Da nije jesti s merakom?
Ja mislim, posto je to neki novi pravac u jedenju, koji do sad nije postojao (kao ni kojekakve boleshtine u vezi sa hranom — znate li da postoji zavisnost od zdrave hrane?
) s tim u vezi treba i izmisliti novi izraz. Evo vidim
ovde da slow food nije samo ono sto bismo nazvali gurmanlukom (po MOJOJ definiciji), vec se filozofija toga prosiruje i na proizvodnju te hrane u harmoniji s prirodom, dakle ekoloski proizvedena, a ne samo dobro i ukusno spremljena hrana. Verujem da u ovu vrstu hrane ne bi sigurno potpali mnogi gurmanluci...
We believe that everyone has a fundamental right to pleasure and consequently the responsibility to protect the heritage of food, tradition and culture that make this pleasure possible. Our movement is founded upon this concept of eco-gastronomy – a recognition of the strong connections between plate and planet.
Slow Food is good, clean and fair food. We believe that the food we eat should taste good; that it should be produced in a clean way that does not harm the environment, animal welfare or our health; and that food producers should receive fair compensation for their work.
We consider ourselves co-producers, not consumers, because by being informed about how our food is produced and actively supporting those who produce it, we become a part of and a partner in the production process.
Obratiti paznju na ovo sto sam podvukla. To su novi momenti po kojima se ova slow food filozofija razlikuje od gurmanluk filozofije...